
Late Life Crisis - October 2020

Glasses. Mask. Rain. Mask. Glasses. Fogging up. Going from outside to an inside public space I feel that I am at more risk of personal injury than of Covid 19.


Late Life Crisis - September 2020

"Congratulate X for 19 years at [       ]. LinkedIn loves this call to action, as I think the marketeers would term it, as a way of stoking up interaction. You can do an off the peg "Congrats on your work anniversary", appropriate for the busy executive or consultant, or if you have time and/or can be bothered, you can do a made to measure message. All innocuous, but I've mused on what it might mean according to context.

Late Life Crisis - August 2020

I must have a downer on Waitrose. Their latest  "Important News" for customers starts, after instruction on what customers must do: "You will also see our Partners in Waitrose and John Lewis stores will be wearing face coverings." So far so good - I go into a Waitrose or John Lewis store and every member of staff I see will be wearing a face covering.

Late Life Crisis - July 2020

My School Song - time for a reappraisal. 

Let me explain. My grammar school was in earlier incarnation a minor public school. Because of this we had a vibrant House system, a cadre of Prefects who had power to put a boy in detention, and competitive sports. We also had a School Song, that was sung lustily at the last full Assembly of every term. I never managed to work out its genesis. Random internet research indicates that it might have come from a poem by Robert Browning. I'm not sure if I could do all the words now, but that doesn't matter, as the opening lines say it all:

Late Life Crisis - June 2020

White legs. Despite the balmy weather I resisted the temptation to get the shorts on for going outside (approved exercise only). I have been against the grain for many years. In Crouch End the chaps always got the shorts on in March as soon as a sunny Saturday emerged, irrespective of temperature outside. More recently shorts have been appropriate even in winter, worn with a puffa jacket. That is apparently fashion, and the fact I don't get it is immaterial.


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