
Article 50 Litigation - High Court words not to forget

The media caravan has moved on from the Supreme Court, and attention is now focused back on Parliament. This piece picks out a handful of paragraphs from the High Court's judgment as referred to in my earlier article. These paragraphs might provide some enlightenment set against the political rhetoric that is now again in full flow. 

My reading of the Supreme Court judgment is that the judgment does not contradict or qualify any of the statements in the paragraphs referred to below.

The High Court and Article 50 - Extracting what the Judgment said

More popular media heat than light has been generated by the High Court's decision on 3rd November. This article attempts to report objectively and in plain terms what the Court said by way of key points. It does not take sides in the Brexit debate, nor comment on any political issues arising from the judgment. 


The case was heard in the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Divisional Court, on 13th, 17th and 18th October.

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